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The US has Maliciously Concocted the So-called “Transnational Repression” Narrative,China Firmly Rejects This

中国人民公安大学出版社  2023/7/12 9:35:07

  China News Service: A spokesperson of China’s Ministry of Public Security (MPS) said on April 26 that the MPS has lodged stern representation to US law enforcement agencies over the indictment of Chinese police. Does the foreign ministry have any further comment?
  Mao Ning: Recently, the US has maliciously concocted the so-called “transnational repression” narrative, pieced together fabricated evidence and prosecuted Chinese law enforcement officers and other government officials. Such flagrant political manipulation is aimed at spreading the “China threat” narrative. China firmly rejects this and has lodged stern representation and strong objection with the US side through diplomatic and law enforcement channels.
  What the US has done is contrary to the basic facts, professional ethics and the rule of law. It is essentially politicizing and weaponizing legal instruments. We demand an immediate stop to such erroneous acts. If the US refuses to change course and goes down that wrong path, we will take resolute countermeasures.■




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